Friday, June 3, 2011

About Me

Hey blog world,
My name is Hannah and I have grown up in Tennessee. I know what you're thinking. Tennessee. When the state is brought up in conversation among any non-natives, they go directly to the pond of generalizations and stereotypes about the Volunteer State and fish out a couple good'uns. I'm not exactly a Southern Bell. I'm not exactly red neck.  I'm not exactly a country bumkin, I've only just eaten grits for the first time within the past year. I do not listen to Dolly Parton. I do not use hair spray or those charming little "Bumb-It" hair heighteners.  I'm just a girl from a family of six, I have three brothers- two older and one younger.  Military family. I am rapidly approaching my third year of college, which is quite a frightful thought.
I enjoy all things that are good. In my spare time when I am not babysitting or working, I like to read, listen to music, kayak, or just lounge around on my back porch sipping coffee or tea.
I have had the privilege to travel among a handful of beautiful states in the U.S. I love to travel and I am making my Maiden Voyage out of the U.S. in July 2011. I'm going to India, but more on that later ;)